An insightful piece from Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz
Stiglitz wisely observes a fundamental flaw in the global
economy –
“Just a few years
ago, Ben Bernanke, then the chairman of the US Federal Reserve Board, talked
about a global savings glut. And yet investment projects with high social
returns were being starved of funds. That remains true today. The problem, then
as now, is that the world’s financial markets, meant to intermediate
efficiently between savings and investment opportunities, instead misallocate
capital and create risk. There is another
irony. Most of the investment projects that the emerging world needs are long
term, as are much of the available savings – the trillions in retirement
accounts, pension funds, and sovereign wealth funds. But our increasingly
shortsighted financial markets stand between the two.”
Does it make sense to include a disparate group of countries
under the rubric of emerging markets?
FT has an interesting piece on classification of economies –
Emerging markets: Redrawing the world map