Attention Economy

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Promoting US Economic Recovery

Prominent Harvard Economists consider challenges facing the US economic recovery.

Greg Mankiw considers ways to improve the US business investment climate in his NYTIMES piece.

Meanwhile, Robert Barro offers very sensible prescriptions for fixing the US economy:

Three of them were identified by the Bowles-Simpson deficit reduction commission: reforming Social Security and Medicare by increasing ages of eligibility and shifting to an appropriate formula for indexing benefits to inflation; phasing out “tax expenditures” like the deductions for mortgage interest, state and local taxes and employer-provided health care; and lowering the marginal income-tax rates for individuals.
I would add three more: reversing the vast and unwise increase in spending that occurred under Presidents Bush and Obama; introducing a tax on consumer spending, like the value-added tax (or VAT) common in other rich countries; and abolishing federal corporate taxes and estate taxes. All three measures would be enormously difficult — many say impossible — but crises are opportune times for these important, basic reforms.”