Attention Economy

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Global Concerns Ove QE2

Chinese Official Succinctly Captures the International Concerns Over QE2:
““Major reserve-currency issuing countries excessively print money to get out of their own economic difficulties, posing a policy dilemma for emerging economies,” Jin said in Macau today, without naming any countries. “That will impose greater pressure on capital inflows, bigger bubbles in asset markets and inflationary pressure.””

“The root of this embarrassment is political and intellectual: Rather than leading the world from a position of strength, Mr. Obama and Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner came to Seoul blaming the rest of the world for U.S. economic weakness. America's problem, in their view, is the export and exchange rate policies of the Germans, Chinese or Brazilians. And the U.S. solution is to have the Fed print enough money to devalue the dollar so America can grow by stealing demand from the rest of the world.”


MARY ANASTASIA O'GRADY (cool name) of the WSJ examines the impact of Fed’s QE2 on Brazil

Economist’s Cover Story: China buys up the world