Attention Economy

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

China's Economy - Key Insights

Nicholas R. Lardy, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, offers a good analysis of China’s economic conditions:
Lardy observes:
“Services, not industry, are driving China’s growth, as has been the case for three full years. This is likely to continue since per capita incomes in China are reaching a level where a growing share of spending is on entertainment, travel and other services rather than on goods.
Naysayers question government economic data, continuing to focus on weakness in China’s industrial sector and the extremely slow growth of electric power output. But steel production, for example, is significantly more energy intensive than entertainment, so the demand for electricity has fallen sharply as the structure of the economy has evolved.”

Stephen S. Roach (former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia and the firm's chief economist, is a senior fellow at Yale University's Jackson Institute of Global Affairs) offers critical insights regarding economic developments in China:

Australian Treasurer Joe Hockey on China


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